

Most homeowners have questions about their septic systems and we find these questions are very similar in nature.  They tend to deal with either getting a better understanding of how their septic system works, whether or not it is necessary at all to use a septic treatment, if septic treatments will really work, or if it is necessary to use a monthly septic treatment.  While it may seem on the surface to be two different questions, they are, in fact, very closely related.  If you are now, or have ever experienced a clogged or slow draining septic system, this article will help you grasp a better understanding of just what it takes to keep your septic system running smoothly.

 As an example, you wouldn’t think about needing to change the oil in your car, because you understand that without oil, your engine is going to breakdown.  Sure you don’t want to spend the money and time today on an oil change, but you understand that having to replace the entire engine, or worse yet, buy a new car that is going to cost far more money in the long run.  It is the exact same principal with your septic system.

 In the past, septic systems tended to function for longer periods of time without treatment or pumping.  Many people assume that in todays’ day and age it would be the same.  But, we now use different cleaning products that contain anti-bacterial agents which are destroying the beneficial bacteria needed to keep your septic system operating at peak efficiently. Those subtle differences in our daily routines magnify themselves greatly when it comes to your septic system.

 There is no sense in spending hours of time discussing all of the social changes that have led to more septic tank failures in the past 5 years than in any other previous period of time.  What we do mention is a few of the most common factors that have altered the way we must maintain our septic systems.  It is hard to argue that Americans are more wasteful now than they were 25 years ago.  The amount of water a household consumes in up by 75%.  We use anti-bacterial soaps now, which kills the bacteria in your septic tank as soon as you rinse it down the drain.  Detergents, body washes, hand soaps, and shampoos, all contain the same bacteria reducing agents.  Household cleaners with bleach, germ killing ingredients, etc.  We even have garbage disposals so we can put even more waste into our system rather than throwing it away in the garbage.

 When considering what goes into your septic system each and every day, it is no wonder that the bacterial and enzyme levels that naturally occur within your septic tank drop dramatically.  Of course, your septic system it is not able to keep up with it, we are waste making machines, think about it.

 So in a perfect world, we wouldn’t want to stop using these products and go back to our old ways, it is a much larger problem than many of us think.  In the meantime, you need to protect your home, your investment and your hard earned money by treating your septic system monthly.  The monthly boost of bacteria and enzymes will help maintain the normal activity level and help it keep up with your family’s water usage.  Taking this tiny step today will most certainly save you thousands of dollars down the road in costly septic repairs or septic system replacement.  It is no different that changing the oil in your car, the only difference is that now you know how it will affect your home, your wallet, and your life. 

Do you really need to deal with a clogged or malfunctioning septic system?

 Check out Crystal Clear Septic Treatment to maintain your septic system.


Why is Crystal Clear Septic the Best Septic Treatment Product 4 U?

Crystal Clear Septic

Avanced Septic System formula is GUARANTEED to…


 Completely Restore your Clogged Septic Tank and Drain Field


  Eliminate Septic Backups, Odors and Clogged Drains


  Works fast to dissolve Sludge, Grease and Blockages




How do homeowners find the right septic treatment? That’s a good question! Do you go on line?  Do you go to the store and pick the best priced product off the shelf or do you take the store salesman’s advice?  Selecting the right septic tank treatment is an important home purchase decision and knowing how to make the right choice is important.

Crystal Clear Septic has been an established leader since 1997 in the septic treatment industry.  We have earned the trust of our clients through our many years of dedication and experience in the septic treatment industry. 

Over the last few years, we have heard septic treatment companies say just about anything and everything to earn your business. To be honest, there are companies out there portraying they have been in this business for many years when in reality, they just started in this industry.

Be aware of septic treatment review sites that make comparisons against competing septic treatment brands as they are aiming to sell their products by making disparaging comments and unsubstantiated reviews and claims against other companies products.  Here, at Crystal Clear Septic, we have never, nor will we ever, make any comparisons to other companies products because there is no comparison to make.  Crystal Clear Septic has earned it’s impeccable reputation through years of selling an established septic treatment that works.

You can speak directly with our staff that is exceptionally knowledgeable and experienced in the septic treatment industry, and you will never be pressured into purchasing large quantities of septic treatments.  We will customize a septic treatment package just for you. Truthfully, not all septic tanks need massive amounts of treatment.  When you consider the price of effective septic treatments, it’s nice to have a few smaller, less expensive options to choose from.  Furthermore, the ability to be billed on a monthly payment plan is a fantastic option for those of you on a fixed income.

Each homeowner is in a unique position.  The age of the septic system and number of people who live there will obviously vary from homeowner to homeowner, and the level of care a septic system receives will dictate the type of treatment that is needed.  When you factor in personal budgets, not everyone is able to afford treatments equally.  For that reason, Crystal Clear Septic customizes septic treatment plans that provide multiple options to choose from, one that will undoubtedly fit your situation like a glove.

While we are certainly not the only reputable company in the septic treatment industry, we are absolutely one of the most consumer friendly.  From our informative treatment solutions, to our tailor made custom septic treatment plans, Crystal Clear Septic leaves a crystal clear impression in every aspect of our client’s lives and on our business.


The Best Septic Tank Treatment Product for Treating Clogged Septic Systems – a product you’ll want to know about

Replacing a failing septic system can be prohibitively expensive, especially in today’s economy. If you’re looking for a lower cost alternative, we’ve got some information about a product that you’ll want to know about.

When an old septic system begins to have problems, it can spell big trouble for the homeowner.

Signs of a failing septic system may be as subtle as soggy, wet spots of grass in your yard. At the worst extreme, it may result in backed up sewage in your home.

If you have determined that your septic system is failing and you’re looking for an alternative to installing a new one, there is a little-known product available that can save you BIG dollars, and that is Crystal Clear Septic Tank Treatment.

Maintenance of your septic tank and septic system is easier than you might think. Many homeowners are concerned that they’ll have to get “up close and personal” with their waste, but nothing could be farther from the truth. With Crystal Clear Septic Treatment, bacteria and enzymes are flushed down the toilet and begins to breaks down your waste. This is a very simple process the homeowner just flushes the toilet handle. It’s that simple. 

So, if your septic system is beginning to show signs of trouble, it might be time to learn more about septic maintenance. It requires far less time and expense than replacing your septic system, plus Crystal Clear Septic Treatment is a totally do-it-yourself maintenance solution for homeowners. Now may be a better time than ever to look into the best septic tank treatment available today, the septic system alternative of the future.


Septic Tank Treatment Product – Restores and Maintains your Septic System

A Septic Tank Treatment containing trillions of bacteria and enzymes designed to restore and maintain all failed septic systems.

Crystal Clear Septic Advanced Septic Treatment is an easy to use, concentrated formula that works safely in all tanks and pipes.

Crystal Clear Septic Tank Treatment is specifically designed to restore the natural balance within septic tanks by promoting the efficient and rapid breakdown of solid waste in your septic tank.

  • Quickly increases native microbial population
  • Provides a long-lasting microbial food source and balanced diet
  • Breakdowns buildup in pipes
  • Breakdowns sludge in septic tank
  • Facilitates more thorough degradation of wastes that enter the system
  • Destroys harmful and odor-producing microorganisms
  • Breakdowns buildup in leach field

Your Septic System experiences these benefits:

  • Better flow of water throughout the system
  • Less frequent need to pump the septic tank
  • Elimination of odors
  • Proper leaching of effluent into ground

How Crystal Clear Septic Tank Treatment Works in Your Septic System

Crystal Clear Septic Tank Treatment is a dry powder that is simply flushed down the toilet to relieve septic systems of many of their most irritating and potentially costly problems. Crystal Clear Septic Treatment eliminates nasty odors, relieves slow drainage and system backup, keeps wet spots from forming, puts an end to frequent pump-outs and keeps systems within regulatory specifications.

Crystal Clear Septic Tank Treatment is made up of essential bacteria and enzymes which go to work immediately to break down the solid waste lined in pipes and which cause sludge to accumulate in the tank. The bacteria continues to grow and multiply into healthy, hungry populations that consume even more waste in your septic tank.

These healthy microbial populations are the key to keeping a septic system working properly. True, there are naturally occurring microbes living in any septic system, but they often lack the right balance of nutrients to keep them in peak performance.  Crystal Clear Septic Tank Treatment gives your septic tank the added boost of missing elements so they can break down waste more efficiently and reproduce much faster.

Once Crystal Clear Septic Tank Treatment is flushed down the toilet, it flows through the pipes and the septic tank, sticking to greasy buildup all along the way. As microbes move through the system, they find the nutrients and digest them along with the old and new wastes. In this way, microbes are able to break down years’ worth of buildup in the pipes, the tank, and even in the leach field.

Crystal Clear Septic also helps microbes work on the sludge that accumulates on the bottom of the septic tank. As sludge is reduced, water can spend more time in the system, allowing more time for proper degradation. That means that less waste will leave the septic tank and the microbes will have more time to destroy harmful bacteria. The result is a more pure effluent, the way nature intended it to be.

How Does Crystal Clear Septic Tank Treatment Compare to Treatment Products that Add Microbes or Enzymes to the Septic Tank?

There are a number products that add microbes or enzymes directly to the system, but they have some serious disadvantages compared to Crystal Clear Septic  Tank Treatment and Maintenance.

Advantages of Crystal Clear Septic include:

• Stimulates growth of native microbial populations immediately

 • Sticks to greasy and oily wastes in pipes and tank

 • Takes nutrients to where wastes are worst

 • Releases nutrients by time-release action so action continues for a long after input

 • Generates consistently larger and healthier microbe population that degrades old and new waste and kills pathogens

 • Populates leach field with larger microbe population and degrades buildup



Crystal Clear Septic Treatment Product – Eliminates Your Septic Problems

Crystal Clear Septic – Best Septic Treatment

Crystal Clear Septic – Best Septic System Treatment

Eliminate ALL your Septic Problems NOW!!

Crystal Clear Septic – is the SUPERIOR Sludge-Busting Bacteria and Enzyme formula proven to

eliminate your septic backups, clogs, odors, grease, heavy sludge, and blockages, it Eats away at YOUR septic problems… and restores ANY Septic System, Guaranteed!

 •Rapidly Eliminates Septic Smells and Foul Odors

 •Eliminate Septic Clogs and Backups  

•Rapidly Dries up Surface Water 

•Reduces frequent Pump-Outs 

•Environmentally Safe for use in all Septic Systems



When you hear a homeowner say they have septic tank odor problems we all assume that the problem is the septic tank is full and needs to be pumped out.  But what really causes septic odors are Gases within a septic system.  These septic gases such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and methane within a home, yard or septic area can be irritating, toxic and explosive. In a yard they are not typically found in high enough concentrations to be dangerous, but are still a nuisance.

 There are several locations within a septic system where odor can be an issue


1. Sink and tub drains in the Home

 2. Septic Tank

 3. Leach Field and Drain Field areas

 4. Yard

 Odors in the Home

Septic odors inside your home are annoying and can create a health problem. Odors in a home are typically an indication of a plumbing problem. A very common problem is the drying out of a trap in a basement floor drain allowing gases from the septic tank to vent back into the home. This can be corrected by making sure all floor drain traps are periodically filled with water. Also, the cleanout access plug inside a drain may be loose and could allow for sewer gas to escape. A plumber or septic professional that provides line cleaning could check this out.

 A second common problem is the plumbing vent located on the roof. It is necessary to allow the pressure in the drainpipes to equalize as wastewater flows through them. Without this vent, sinks, tubs, and toilets would gurgle, traps dry out and nasty odors come into the home. These plumbing vents can freeze closed during prolonged cold periods or get clogged with leaves or other debris. A warm day or two will thaw out the frozen pipes but leaves will need to be cleaned out. The pipe can be unfroze using a jetter or warm water. Always take special precautions when working on a slippery or steep roof.

 A third common plumbing problem is an improperly sealed cover on an ejector sump pump basket in the basement. The cover should be checked and a new seal applied to prevent leaks.

 Odors Near the Septic Tank

An occasional weak odor near the septic tank may be quite normal but if there is a particularly strong odor around the septic tank(s) the first step should be to make sure all manholes and risers are securely covered. Typically a concrete lid covers the tank manhole, although other materials such as plastic and metal lids are used. The septic tank manhole can be covered with a maximum of 12” of soil or can come to the surface, while any manhole on a tank with a pump must come to surface to allow for repair or replacement of the pump. The newer plastic lids have a rubber seal which helps keep odors in the tank. They must also be properly secured in place with lag screws or other fasteners. If a concrete lid is leaking odors out of the manhole, weather stripping or other materials can be used to create a temporary seal that will contain odors but still allow for proper maintenance of the tank. This seal will need to replaced after maintenance.

 Odors Near your Leach Field Area

If there are strong septic odors in the soil treatment area (around an in-ground drain field, bed or mound), it can indicate a problem with the leach field. All pipes should be inspected and checked out to make sure the pipes are not broken or crushed and that roots have not grown into the pipes causing blockages. A visual inspection of the entire area should be performed to determine if there are any wet spots or soggy soil areas indicating that sewage is coming to the surface. If any of these conditions are found, humans and animals can come in contact with it. This is considered an “imminent health threat” and should be corrected immediately.

 Odors in the Yard

 If the yard in general smells of septic odors, it may be that the plumbing vent pipe (described in # 1 above) on your house or a neighbor’s house needs to be extended to diffuse the smelly odors. Homes located in rural areas, valleys, forested or low areas may not have appropriate wind patterns to carry the odors away from the living areas and the yard. As the wind blows over the house, the air currents that are supposed to carry the gases up and away can instead carry the sewer gas down into the yard. Extending the vent pipe can help diffuse the odors carrying them away from the yard. Carbon filters can also be placed on the top of the vent to help control septic odor. The filters do need to be changed regularly (every 1 to 5 years) to be effective.




Very often, we have customers who want to know the difference between traditional washing machines and the high-efficiency, “low-water” washers. For those who are trying to go green and reduce their carbon footprint, this is a very important question. Well, here’s the answer: the low-water washing machines on the market today are able to cut your water use by as much 70 percent! That money-saving figure should get your attention, whether you’re particularly environmentally conscious or not!

The typical American family does around four hundred loads of laundry annually, using about 40 gallons of water for each load if they use a traditional washing machine. That is 160 gallons of water a year just for washing clothes. Cutting that amount by 70 percent would subtract 112 gallons a year, making the family’s water use for washing clothes just 48 gallons annually. As you can see, this is quite a large difference.

Water efficiency is not the only benefit of switching to a low-water washer. These machines also use high-efficiency laundry detergent, of which less is needed for each load. Low-water, high-efficiency washers also have a multitude of choices when it comes to cycles and options. These machines have sensors to adjust the temperature of the water, the water level and the spin to match the size of each load. Washing times are longer with high-efficiency washers, mostly because of the low amount of water they use. It can take 45 to 90 minutes to wash a load on the normal cycle in a low-water washer, whereas it takes only 30 to 45 minutes in a traditional washer. Drying time will be shorter after using one of these low-water washers, though, since their spin cycle is typically much more efficient than that of a traditional washing machine.




Here is a basic understanding of what a septic system is and how it works.

So now your septic system has begun to act up, or you may be facing the possibility of expensive repairs or replacement of your septic system and you wish that you had a more detailed understanding.  If your facing these problems or just looking for a DIY treatment, do not want to be taken advantage of because of your lack of understanding all of the terms.  We have many readers who ask us about the definitions of these terms or a term related to their septic system.  While many of the terms we have listed here are basic in nature, having a clear understanding of what may be malfunctioning in your system makes finding a solution that much easier.

 Septic System:  An on-site, septic disposal system. Designed to take the waste from your home and digest, liquefy and return to the earth.  Modern Septic Systems usually contain a buried, concrete tank that is usually 1,000 to 1,500 gallon capacity.  This tank is where the solid waste from your home is stored until the bacteria and enzymes present in the tank can breakdown and liquefy the waste.  Once Liquefied, the waste can then leave the septic tank area and drain into the soil via drain fields and then ultimately back into the water table.

Drain Field:  A drain field is the portion of your septic system that takes the liquefied waste from your septic tank and disperses it throughout a particular portion of your property.  In the drain field, liquid waste is returned to the earth, often through gravel deposits and then of course back to the water table.

 Cesspools:  Essential Cesspools are septic tanks with a slightly different design.  This underground receptacle holds solid waste while allowing the liquid waste to seep out into the ground through the bottom and the edges.  This is a commonly misused term, although its definition pertains primarily to the design.

Biomat:  Biomat is another commonly used term.  It is the densely compacted, decaying solid waste that can cease the downward flow of water.  Biomat is commonly found throughout drain field or leach fields causing clogged or backed up flow.  It builds up at the gravel and soil interface causing liquid to back up and flood.  This is at the root of flooded or standing water over the drain field.

 Effluent:  Also referred to as the liquid waste from a septic tank. Effluent is the result of bacteria and enzymes digesting the solid waste from your home.  Effluent is then drained out into the soil via the drain fields.  Effluent travels through the many layers of earths’ natural filtration system and then ultimately back into your water table.

 Sludge:  Sludge is the semi-solid material found in septic tanks, cesspools and the like.  Typically floating on the surface, this sludge or bio-solids, can become overwhelming and cause major septic system clogging if not dealt with.  Also referred to as Sewer Sludge, the definition is the same.


Septic Backup – Tips for Dealing with a Clog

Septic Back Up – Tips for Dealing with a Clog

Having a septic back up in your home can really be disgusting; in fact, it’s downright dangerous due to contaminates in the water. If the problem is really out of hand, you’ll need a professional to remedy it, but understanding how it happens can help you to avoid it in the first place.

Septic Back Up, Roots and Other Obstructions

Quite often, tree roots will grow through, brake, and/or obstruct a pipe. There are products that you can use to get rid of them. Some of these products are dangerous to handle, so be careful with them and be sure you get any protective equipment that the container calls for you to use. Products that attack roots in a system back up will frequently wipe out your good bacteria colonies, so you’ll want to use Crystal Clear Septic Treatment to revitalize these bacteria.

Other obstructions sometimes end up causing a backup as well. In these cases, grease poured down the sink while it’s still hot may be causing it. Sanitary napkins or paper towels that were flushed down the toilet might be causing the back up, or it may be emanating from a range of other common causes like these. Whether it’s roots or kitchen grease, mechanical devices are sometimes the most effective tools for getting rid of obstructions.


Sometimes, the fastest way to get a back up taken care of is to have it removed by someone with a drain snake appropriate for the job. These are usually powered devices that have a spinning blade at the end of them as a regular drain snake wouldn’t be powerful enough to break up the clog.

The plumber will usually want to send a camera down the line so that they can find the source of your problem. They’ll then send their auger device down the drain and destroy the blockage. This usually gets things flowing out of the house and back down to the septic tank in short order. They may have to destroy several blockages to get rid of the back up.

Once the blockage is cleared, you can start employing some good maintenance habits to prevent problems in the future by using Crystal Clear Septic Treatment.

Good Maintenance

Using Crystal Clear Septic treatment introduces microbes into the septic tank to keep the level of waste in the tank down. You should also make sure you have your tank pumped on a regular basis. This is one of the best ways to be sure sewage never ends up in the house.

Be sure Not to Flush any of those items that aren’t good for your septic tank because they are most likely guaranteed to cause a problem for you in the future.